UEA hosts Ukrainian academics for a fortnight of cultural and collaborative research exchange
Ben Smart Ben Smart

UEA hosts Ukrainian academics for a fortnight of cultural and collaborative research exchange

Academics from the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (PNU) in Ukraine visited the University of East Anglia (UEA) campus earlier this month, as part of a collaborative research programme between the two universities.

This two-week programme, which was hosted by UEA between 10-24 June, enabled a group of academic researchers in science, journalism and economics from PNU to visit the Norwich-based campus, facilities, staff and students. The visiting academics were involved in discussing research collaborations, including similarities in the universities’ local enterprise initiatives, leading to future research collaborations and funding bids.

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Ben Smart Ben Smart


Since 2022, the University of East Anglia is proud to have twinned with the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (PNU). Together we share hope, ideas, support, resources and expertise.

This collaboration is co-led for UEA by Matthias Neumann (Professor of Modern History) and Karen Blackney (Associate Director Global) and is part of the Universities UK International (UUKi) initiative, showcasing how twinning partnerships between UK and Ukrainian universities are making a positive difference during this humanitarian crisis. Through UUKI, UKRI, XTX and other Government funding, financial support is anticipated, in particular to support joint research, student and academic fellowship, and capacity building between institutions.

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